Every 2nd Thursday - Chamber of Commerce Meeting at the Grange Hall. 6:30pm at the Grange Hall.
Every 4th Saturday - Free Breakfast at the Grange Hall. 8:30 to 10:30am at the Grange Hall. Great organic food. Donations accepted.
3rd Thursday of the Month - Fire Dept Spaghetti Feed. Come in for a delicious dinner of spaghetti with meat sauce, green salad and garlic bread. Donations accepted! Join your friends and neighbors, starting at 5:00pm.
Every 1st Wednesday - Rough and Ready Fire Association Meeting. 5:30pm at the Fire Station.
First Sunday in June - Secession Days Chili Cook-off. Downtown Rough and Ready from 8am to 2pm. Formerly held on the last Sunday, now the FIRST Sunday in June.
December (Date TBD) - Christmas Potluck Dinner. Alternating Hosts of the Grange and the Fire Association. Held at the Grange Hall.
PHOTO ABOVE: Secession Day Play 1973
Rough and Ready Chamber of Commerce l P.O. Box 801 l Rough and Ready, California 95975

The Great Republic of Rough and Ready
Calendar of Events